polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)

What is polyvinyl alcohol? Application of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)

The most important applications of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) are its use in the paper, textile and coating industries. Naturally, this synthetic polymer is white or in some cases transparent and odorless. You can see some of the physical and chemical properties of this polymer in the following section:

The physical and chemical properties of polyvinyl alcohol are as follows:

Common names: polyethanol – homopolymer – polyvinol – vinol

– Molecular formula: (C2H4O) x

– Danger: non-toxic – non-flammable

– Density: 1.19 to 1.31 grams per cubic centimeter

– Melting point: 200 ° C

Application of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)

The polymer composition of polyvinyl alcohol is a very suitable option for a wide range of medical applications due to its non-toxic properties, less tendency to protein adhesion and extremely high biocompatibility. In cases where biopolymer synthesis technology is required for drugs and some medical supplies, this polymer compound would be an ideal choice.

Applications such as replacement cartilage, contact lenses and also some eye drops can be prepared using polyethanol polymer. In some processes of polymer synthesis, polyethanol is used as a common substance. The role of this compound in polymerization processes is a suspender.

This polymer compound is also used to synthesize some polymers. In polymer preparation processes, the monomers of this material must be activated in terms of thermodynamic conditions and reactivity.

Safety items related to polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)

Because the composition of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) has a wider application in many industries, the issue of its toxicity and dangerousness is very important. Biodegradation of the polymer or its biodegradability is also important. Typically, a 5% solution of this polymer has been reported to be non-toxic to fish in water. If the polymer enters the environment, it decomposes gradually and slowly.

 According to the Safety and Chemical Data Sheet, polyethanol is a flammable compound and is therefore classified as Class A. Dust from this polymer scattered in space may irritate the eyes and respiratory system.

People who deal with this substance need to use special glasses, masks and work clothes. If the skin of the hands or eyes comes in contact with this polymer, it is necessary to wash the contact area well with soap and water. Warehouses for storing polyethylene bags should be dry and cool and equipped with strong ventilation systems. Dust from this substance should not enter the respiratory system of workers.

Polyvinyl alcohol market

China has the largest polyvinyl alcohol production capacity in Asia. Thus, according to the latest reports, China can be considered the main exporter and producer of this polymer compound. In the North American region, the second largest market for polyethanol is polyethanol. In this region, both supply and demand for PVA are recorded. The polyvinyl alcohol market has the largest share in global sales in the Asia-Pacific region; North American and European countries are other regions that are active in this market.


Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA)PVA

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